Massage with the sound of tibetan bowls

Bowls are instruments with thousands of manufacturing traditions, but for several decades, thanks to the latest technological possibilities, they have been used in various forms of relaxation, improving the quality of life and therapy. A man discovered that some of these instruments emit frequencies close to the natural frequencies of the human body. This was confirmed in research with the use of engineering apparatus, which led to the creation of instruments with strictly therapeutic properties while maintaining the tradition and art of their execution.

Masaż dźwiękiem mis tybetańskich

The vibration of Tibetan singing bowls can be broken down into three levels: body, mind and soul.

Body – in the physical sphere, the frequency of vibrations emitted by the instruments is similar to those in which the human body functions. Each of our organs, our internal structure, vibrates in a specific way. Individual bowls generate vibrations, getting into our body, transferring the vibrations into its depths. It is an extremely delicate process, but due to the tuning to our interior, it is pleasant to feel and effective at the same time. It stimulates the structures inside the body, leading to the release of muscle tensions and supports the body’s self-regeneration process.

Mind – thanks to the sounds of Tibetan bowls and gongs, we can change the perspective of perceiving ourselves, our own thoughts and emotions. The mind enters the state it is seen in a nap, deep sleep, or meditation. People who succumb to the vibrations of the sounds of bowls and gongs remain in full consciousness, but the perception of themselves and reality begins to look a bit different.

Soul – during deep relaxation, we have a chance to experience these deeper spheres. The sounds of bowls and gongs put us in a state where thoughts flow, but in a calm way. There are involuntary images, visions that we can liken to lucid dreams, answers to internal questions or dilemmas, or clear perception of matters that appear complicated or difficult on a daily basis.

Price:   160 PLN
Time:    60 min

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