Removing corns

Corns are not only an aesthetic problem. If left untreated, they cause unnecessary pain and sometimes cause inflammation. Usually, the cause of corns is uncomfortable shoes – too tight or too loose.

An imprint can appear on the foot of anyone, although the greatest risk of their formation is in people suffering from diabetes, hypertension, rheumatism, thyroid disease, and those who work hard and stay in a standing position for a long time.

Usunięcie odcisku, modzieli

Corns are different and can have different locations, and their treatment is based not only on the immediate reduction of pain and keratosis, but also on eliminating the factor that causes them.

Inadequate home treatment of the corns can irritate the skin, increase soreness and even infect the area. People who are particularly exposed to the formation of difficult-to-heal wounds (diabetes) should not interfere with the skin tissue on their own.

In the podiatric clinic, corns are removed mechanically with the use of tools such as: a chisel, a scalpel and a podiatry milling machine. Then, a regenerating and disinfecting preparation is applied, a dressing is put on and pressure relief is applied.

Price:   80–100 PLN
Time:    15–30 min

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